Alph Original Wallet

Non-Custodial Alph Wallet Suite empowers regular crypto and web3 users to transfer, swap, bridge, and manage their assets in a single place without compromising on safety, security, and convenience with a smooth user experience.

Alph Original Wallet is the official decentralized wallet for $ALPH and $ALPHX.

Create new wallet

You can create a new wallet, if you click on "CREATE NEW WALLET" after launching the web wallet. You will receive a recovery passphrase consisting of 12 words to restore your wallet in case you lose your password.

Alph Explorer homepage

Access wallet

By clicking on "ACCESS YOUR WALLET" after launching the webapp, you can choose to import your wallet either with your MEWConnect, Hardware, MetaMask or private key.

Alph Original Wallet

Select your wallet/private key to access your wallet.

Alph Original Wallet

Enter your wallet password.

Alph Original Wallet

Connect to the Alph Network

By selecting a Alph Network you will able to send and receive $ALPH tokens.

Alph Original Wallet

Receive $ALPH

By clicking on "Adress" you can either receive $ALPH by sharing your adress or your QR-code. It's also possible to create a QR-code that requests a certain amount.

Alph Original Wallet

Send $ALPH

By clicking on "Send" you can either send $ALPH by scanning a QR-code or entering a recipient adress manually.

Alph Original Wallet